The University at Buffalo (UB), New York has just launched the Big Blue Food Truck. Due to the clamor of students who are very familiar with the more than 25 off-campus food trucks in the area, the university’s Campus Dining and Shops (CDS) decided to bring the concept on-campus. The whole concept from the name to the menu was conceptualized with the help of a focus group composed of UB students, faculty and staff.
The truck has a fully equipped kitchen that can whip out anything a full service kitchen can. The CDS team visited around 140 food trucks in the Northeast to get ideas on how the truck would look and how the kitchen should be laid out. Currently the truck is serving a variety of grilled cheese sandwiches, mac and cheese, and Tepanyaki style noodle dishes. The menu will change every few weeks, except for the favorites. Items range from $4 to $8 and the truck accepts cash, credit cards, UB dining dollars, and UB campus cash. It is open to the public and can even be booked for catering and special events during weekends.
Big Blue will be at the North Campus Monday, Wednesday, Fridays; and on the South Campus Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as nighttime on Thursday, Friday, and Saturdays.
“As UB grows, we’re limited in physical space to build kitchens. A food truck gives us that flexibility to serve different areas relatively easily. We’re going to be where food isn’t normally readily available,” shares Ray Kohl, CDS marketing manager.
Photos from the Big Blue FB page.
Also see our feature on Texas Tech’s StrEat Truck.
Tags: campus trucks